Privacy policy / 私隱政策


1. 收集個人資料的目的



2. 收集原則

為保障閣下個人資料的私隱權,本公司確保在收集、使用、保留、轉移及查閱個人資料方面的政策及常規,均符合香港法例第486章《個人資料 (私隱) 條例》的規定。


3. 收集方式

我們可能從不同途徑取得與閣下有關的個人資料。我們可能在或透過我們的網站、透過、下載及/或使用我們的社交媒體/社交網絡頁面(或其相關平台或相對的手機流動應用程式,如:Facebook、Instagram)、在我們任何一間分店或活動中、或參加我們任何忠實計劃或申請參加會員計劃,收集閣下所提供的有關資料。 此私隱政策不涉及我們的零售合作夥伴所收集的任何資料。當閣下瀏覽本網站、我們的社交媒體/社交網絡頁面(或其相關平台或相對的手機流動應用程式),我們可能透過自動方式或科技,如“曲奇”(Cookies)、網絡伺服器記錄檔(Web Server Logs)及網絡信標(Web Beacons),收集某些與閣下的裝置或使用相關的資料。


4. 收集個人身分標識符



5. 直銷



6. 營銷及推廣

我們可能將個人資料用於營銷及推廣,當中包括 (i) 向您發送或展示有關本公司的最新資訊、優惠及推廣消息,包括比賽和抽獎活動資訊; (ii) 向您發送或展示有關我方計劃合作夥伴的聯營優惠(如比賽及抽獎活動);或 (iii) 度身定制和追蹤您與網上橫額廣告以及從第三方網站連結至我方網站的互動。此外,我們可能使用個人資料來分析會員偏好及市場趨勢,並從中洞識新現象,讓我們可度身定制向您提供獎勵及優惠。當中可能涉及我們將所持有的關於您使用我方服務的個人資料,與我們收集到有關您網絡使用情況的資料互相併合。另外,我們也可能將收集所得關於您的資料,與關於其他客戶的資料互相併合,從中新洞識新現象,並確立市場趨勢。我們可能將這些得出的觀察提供予我們的第三方計劃合作夥伴,供他們用於營銷及推廣目的。此外,我們目前正為營銷和推廣而使用第三方服務供應商(例如營銷機構及社交媒體平台)提供的廣告服務及產品,當中可能涉及我們與其分享我方所持有關於您的個人資料。

我們可能透過郵寄、電話或網上方式(包括經由電郵或您的流動裝置或透過網上橫額廣告)向您提供營銷、推廣通訊及研究邀請;在適當和必要情況下,我們會在收集您的資料時徵求您的同意,或讓您有機會選擇不收取營銷資料。您可按照以下所列方式聯絡我們,表示選擇停收相關通訊。請注意,如您選擇取消訂閱或停止收取營銷通訊,您仍會繼續收到我方的管理電郵、賬戶摘要及我方服務的最新資訊 。


7. 資料的保存



8. 資料的披露



9. 查閱個人資料

閣下可填寫表格OPS003或以書面致函方式,向本公司顧客服務經理要求查閱閣下的個人資料,本公司會按《個人資料(私隱) 條例》第19 (1) 條規定,在收到閣下要求後四十天內依從閣下要求。根據條例第20(3e) 條的規定,如閣下拒絕以表格或書面方式提出查閱要求,本公司有權拒絕閣下的查閱要求。根據條例第28條,本公司可向查閱資料者徵收合理費用。然而,倘閣下確實是為作出合理更正而查閱個人資料,本公司可酌情豁免有關費用。


10. 更正個人資料

閣下必須以書面致函本公司顧客服務經理提出更改個人資料,並提供須更正的正確資料。本公司會按《個人資料 (私隱) 條例》第23 條規定在收到閣下要求後四十天內更正閣下的個人資料。更正個人資料不會收費。


11. 保安



12. 查詢



13. 收集個人資料聲明

閣下作為 LOOKING BACK 顧客,在購買本公司的產品(「有關服務」)時,可能需要向本公司提供閣下的個人資料(「有關個人資料」)。倘有關個人資料並不完整或不正確,本公司可能無法向閣下提供或繼續提供有關服務。



a. 提供有關服務,包括:

(i) 會員優惠:購物優惠、增值優惠、積分優惠、聯營優惠及會員活動優惠。
(ii) 會員服務:預訂、申請、日常運作、查詢、建議、投訴、涉嫌可疑交易處理及跟進、延續使用及終止使用會員服務。
(iii) 產品推銷:有關 LOOKING BACK的產品推銷,包括但不限於服務、飾物、手袋、護膚品、食品等。
(iv) 為更暸解客戶及提供更優質服務而進行的服務意見調查。

b. 本公司用於推廣與有關服務相關的商品


c. 處理來自有關產品或與其有關的利益;

d. 就提供有關產品而分析、核實及/或檢查閣下的信用、付款及/或狀況;

e. 處理閣下要求的付款指示、直接扣賬安排及/或信貸安排;

f. 方便日常操作閣下的賬戶及/或就有關服務收取閣下賬戶內的應繳款項;



根據有關條例,本公司有權對查閱個人資料的要求收取合理的處理費用。如欲查閱或更正個人資料,或要求得到本公司所持個人資料的副本,請以電郵 聯絡本公司。


根據《個人資料 (私隱) 條例》,閣下有權:

(1) 確定本公司是否持有閣下個人資料;
(2) 在合理時間內查閱本公司持有的閣下個人資料;
(3) 以合理方式查閱本公司持有的閣下個人資料;
(4) 要求本公司更正不正確的個人資料。


Privacy policy

1. Purpose of collecting personal data

The company’s personal data collection measures are used to identify, retrieve and process customer records so that the company can follow up on customer needs and provide tailor-made products and services. For the specific use of your identification information, please refer to Chapter 13, Personal Information Collection Statement below.


2. Collection principles

In order to protect the privacy of your personal data, the company ensures that its policies and practices regarding the collection, use, retention, transfer and access of personal data are in compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the laws of Hong Kong.


3. Collection method

We may obtain personal information about you from different sources. We may be on or through our website, through, download and/or use our social media/social network pages (or related platforms or relative mobile apps such as Facebook, Instagram), in any of our branches During the event, or participate in any of our loyalty programs or apply for membership programs, collect the relevant information provided by you. This privacy policy does not involve any information collected by our retail partners. When you browse this website, our social media/social network pages (or related platforms or relative mobile apps), we may use automatic methods or technologies, such as "cookies", web server log files (Web Server Logs) and Web Beacons (Web Beacons) collect certain information related to your device or use.


4. Collection of personal identification identifiers

You may be required to provide personally identifiable information from time to time, including but not limited to your name, gender, age, identification document number, telephone number, fax number, residential address, email address, credit card information, education level, occupation, Family income, interests and favorite activities, etc. If you refuse to provide relevant information, the company may not be able to provide you with appropriate services. If you are under the age of 18, you must first obtain the consent of your parent or guardian before you can provide any personally identifiable information to the company.


5. Direct selling

Once you provide our company with personally identifiable information, you may receive our company's phone emails, direct marketing emails or other ways to provide you with marketing information. For more details, please refer to the marketing and promotion section below . If you do not wish to receive the relevant information, please call or email our customer service with your name and contact number.


6. Marketing and Promotion

We may use personal data for marketing and promotion, including (i) sending or displaying to you the latest information, offers and promotional news about our company, including competition and sweepstakes information; (ii) sending or displaying information about me Affiliate discounts (such as competitions and sweepstakes) from partners of the Party’s plan; or (iii) tailor-made and track your interactions with online banners and links from third-party websites to our website. In addition, we may use personal data to analyze member preferences and market trends, and to gain insights into new phenomena, so that we can tailor-made rewards and offers to you. This may involve merging the personal data we hold about your use of our services with the information we have collected about your network usage. In addition, we may also merge the information collected about you with information about other customers to gain new insights into new phenomena and establish market trends. We may provide these observations to our third-party program partners for marketing and promotion purposes. In addition, we are currently using advertising services and products provided by third-party service providers (such as marketing agencies and social media platforms) for marketing and promotion, which may involve us sharing the personal information we hold about you with them.

We may provide you with marketing, promotional communications and research invitations through mail, telephone or online (including via email or your mobile device or through online banners); where appropriate and necessary, we will collect you Asking for your consent when providing information, or giving you the opportunity to choose not to receive marketing materials You can contact us in the following ways to indicate that you choose to stop receiving relevant communications. Please note that if you choose to unsubscribe or stop receiving marketing communications, you will continue to receive our management emails, account summary and the latest information on our services.


7. Data preservation

When you do business with our company, our company will keep all your transaction records for review purposes. The company's general policy is to keep the relevant information for a reasonable period of time.


8. Disclosure of Information

The company can usually share your personal data with its subsidiaries, affiliated companies, associated companies and any company in which they have an interest, or transfer relevant data to them. For details, please refer to the company's statement on collection of personal data. If you do not want our company to disclose your information to any third party, please call/email our customer service together with your name and contact number.


9. Access to personal data

You can fill out the form OPS003 or write to the customer service manager of the company to request access to your personal data. The company will follow the provisions of Article 19 (1) of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, upon receipt of your Comply with your request within 40 days after request. According to Article 20(3e) of the Regulations, if you refuse to make a request for access in a form or in writing, the company has the right to refuse your request for access. According to Article 28 of the Regulations, the company may charge reasonable fees to those who access data. However, if you are indeed accessing your personal data to make reasonable corrections, the company may waive the relevant fees at its discretion.


10. Correction of personal information

You must write to the customer service manager of our company to change your personal information and provide the correct information that needs to be corrected. The company will correct your personal information within 40 days after receiving your request in accordance with Article 23 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. There is no charge for correcting personal information.


11. Security

The personal information you provide to the company will be properly stored in the company's customer service system, and only authorized persons can access it.


12. Inquiry

If you want to inquire about our privacy policy statement, please contact our customer service. (This statement can be modified from time to time without prior notice, please check it frequently.)


13. Personal Information Collection Statement

As a customer of LOOKING BACK, you may need to provide our company with your personal information ("related personal information") when purchasing our company's products ("related services"). If the relevant personal information is incomplete or incorrect, the company may not be able to provide or continue to provide relevant services to you.

The company will keep your personal information confidential at all times. The company's policies and practices regarding the collection, use, preservation, disclosure, transfer, confidentiality and access to personal data are in compliance with the laws of Hong Kong and the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" and have been included in this statement.

You agree that the personal information provided to the company may be used and stored by the company for the following purposes and other purposes required by law from time to time:

a. Provide related services, including:

(i) Member discounts: shopping discounts, value-added discounts, points discounts, affiliate discounts and member activity discounts.
(ii) Member services: reservations, applications, daily operations, inquiries, suggestions, complaints, handling and follow-up of suspicious transactions, continued use and termination of membership services.
(iii) Product promotion: product promotion related to LOOKING BACK, including but not limited to services, accessories, handbags, skin care products, food, etc.
(iv) Service opinion survey conducted to better understand customers and provide better services.

b. The company used to promote products related to related services

And used to promote goods;

c. Dealing with benefits from or related to related products;

d. Analyze, verify and/or check your credit, payment and/or status in relation to the provision of relevant products;

e. To process payment instructions, direct debit arrangements and/or credit arrangements requested by you;

f. To facilitate the daily operation of your account and/or to collect the payment due in your account for related services;


In addition, according to the agreement between you and the company, the company may store relevant personal data in one or more databases held by the company for the purposes mentioned above to promote products and/or services and to compare your Other information provided for the above purpose.

According to relevant regulations, the company has the right to charge reasonable processing fees for requests for access to personal data. If you want to check or correct your personal data, or request a copy of the personal data held by the company, please email Contact the company.

If you do not want to receive promotional information about the products provided by the company, or do not want the company to disclose, transfer or use your personal data for the purposes described in this paragraph, please write to, call or email to notify the company, and Indicate your name and contact number.

According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to:

(1) Determine whether the company holds your personal data;
(2) Check your personal data held by the company within a reasonable time;
(3) Check your personal data held by the company in a reasonable way;
(4) Request the company to correct incorrect personal data.

For enquiries, please email us